Seventh Grade Rocks

Welcome to seventh grade! I am excited to work with your children in the areas of Reading, English, Math, Spelling, and Religion. I have many guidelines and rules in my classroom that will help your child and myself maintain a great flow of communication and structure. I look forward in working with everyone and please feel free to contact me through a phone call and or a note sent to school.


  • Complete Heading (points will be deducted if not correct)
  • All homework and classwork must be at a grade level standards. (nothing less)
  • A daily homework planner will be sent home daily. Please review and assure that your child completes all assignments.
  • Be prepared with all of your supplies. A quarter will be charged for every pencil and or pen they borrow. The funds collected will go to the HCA program.


  • Behavior in my classroom is very important.
  • No talking back.
  • No bullying.
  • You must ask for permission to stand and speak.
  • Restroom breaks taken during class time will cause for your child to sit out during recess unless previously discussed or it is an emergency.
  •  Always be positive.